As a competitive junior tennis player, this application has made charting my matches remarkably easy for my parents. The application is perfectly matched with the iPhone/iPod Touch interface, but has a few shortcomings.
1) Return of serve: The return is the second most important shot in the sport, and yet it is given no attention! This is a glaring omission, but its really easy to remedy. Just add a screen between the serve screen and the point-end screen asking what kind of return was made. This would improve the app enormously!
2) Get logical about the design: This app is not super-well thought through. First, there is no way to end a match without starting a new one! One can easily work around this, but its messy and totally unnecessary. Second, as other reviewers have noted, there really should be a pause button for the timer, and a way to go back and fix previous points. Basic, easy to implement, why not?
3) Statistics export: Its all fine and good to get the stats emailed to you, but it would be a major improvement to this app if it could email the results as a .csv file; or, at least, split up the columns so that you have the percentage in one column and the fraction (3/5, for example) in another. This would make it a lot easier to manipulate the data in Excel, for example.
These three omissions really hurt the app, but Im really excited about it. The author really _must_ iron out the usability issues, and, to be truly indispensible, the app should track returns. But, overall, Tennis Trakker is really fantastic and a must for any competitive tennis player.
Owen Finn about Tennis Trakker Pro