Love this APP! Lots of potential!
To the good people at Portapple LLC:
+ This is an incredibly useful app. You are doing the world of tennis a service by developing it. You deserve an award!
+ The BIG buttons are great! Keep using the real estate wisely.
- One major request- Previous reviewers suggested replacing the confirmation pop-up with an undo button added to the new point (service) screen. This would be a great improvement to the workflow, not to mention accuracy in the statistics, and should not be overlooked.
- The game score (e.g. 15-40) should also be ever-present on the screen during a match, in one form or another. Small when buttons need space, of course.
- If possible, the file-management issues below should also be addressed:
1. The inability to resume an old match (for rain delays, et al)
2. The victor should be listed in the stats file (winner is not apparent if there is a default declared by the points leader.)
3. Separation of Unit stats and Percentages into columns is minor, but would be nice.
Thank you, and keep up the good work!
SAOBurnett about
Tennis Trakker Pro